Ya know, there is an AWFUL pile of ribs to be smoothed, straightend, fluted, marked, etc, etc...... | |
It just seems to go on, and on, and on ..... | |
Here the rear sars are being prepared. An easy job, really | |
Before you start attaching ribs to the main spar, you need to prepare the fuel tank attach nut-plates. | |
Get used to nut-plates. I'm helping my buddy John with his RV-8 fuselage and there are, as Carl Sagan says, "Billions, and billions" of nut-plates. | |
Here is where you actually start getting something that looks cool. This is an easy job as well. | |
And this is what it looks like in the jig. I'm doing both wings at the same time. | |
Here the flaps are started. This is an easy control surface to do, except for riveting the skins to the ribs. | |
My forearm is a little on the beefy side, so I had a helluva a time getting my arm and the bucking bar in there to set the rivets. I managed to put a pretty good dent in the top of one flap, but it isn't catastrophic, and Bondo is cheap. With an hour of work, no one will ever realize there is a dent at all. |
That's it for page 1 of the wing. Click here to go to page 2, here to go back to the tail, or here to go back to the project home page.